วันพุธที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Sony KDL32S2000

Do you like Sony Bravia KDL-32S2000 32-Inch Flat Panel LCD HDTV

Gamer and HD FanBy blankwaveI purchased this set after a lot of research online and in various stores, and a lot of penny pinching. I am more than happy to own this set.First off, it's refresh rate is perfect for fast motion items, such as sports and almost any videogame: there is no lag in what you're doing on the game pad and what you see on the screen. Many HD's have a "ghosting" effect where an image moving across screen leaves a bit of a trail in it's wake. This TV doesn't have that problem. I'm running an Xbox360 on it and the clarity and ... »» Read more about Sony Bravia KDL-32S2000 32-Inch Flat Panel LCD HDTV.

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